Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) for the Government of India (GoI)

Indian Renewable Energy Roadmap


To capture the perspectives of more than 50 stakeholder organisations in national and state government, as well as distribution companies, national and regional grid operators, private developers, banks and NGOs, centrally and in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madya Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu.

Services provided

A comprehensive roadmap was drafted that explored in detail the challenges to renewable energy deployment in India and the policy and market design changes needed for its facilitation. Findings were organised into eight policy areas and specific recommendations made for changes to accelerate the large-scale, cost-efficient, reliable deployment of renewables. These were presented to and discussed with government officials and refined accordingly.


The project identified many barriers – both perceived and real – to the deployment of renewable energy and associated flexible and grid infrastructure in India. The Report was published by the National Institution for Transforming India (Niti Aayog) of the Government of India, in 2015.

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